Class Descriptions


Wicked Hatha Yoga practices always include intention setting, ujjaiyi breath, meditation, mantra, spiritual teachings, pranayama, kriyas, bandhas, inversions, and shavasana. Teachings are rooted in tradition, including the Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, bhakti, the chakras, and beyond. Jenna’s classes introduce innovative techniques and drills that reshape your conception of what is possible in yoga and deeply inform your practice. More than just a soundtrack, music is an extremely intentional component of the class. Music colors the mood and theme, spinning a unique story through Nada Yoga – the yoga of sound.  

Yoga is a radical movement for profound transformation,
and not for the faint of heart!    


Why do we assume animal forms in yoga? Discover yourself in Ahimsa, through connection to the earth and animals. Take flight, roam free, merge into the ocean, embody your primal consciousness in this animal inspired practice. Animal consciousness dissolves the boundaries between humans and nature. You don’t have to be a vegetarian to take this class, or to awaken to compassion for all beings. Expect a dynamic vinyasa practice and an inspiring, animal conscious message. [Ahimsa=non-violence]


Asana Lab

A workshop-style 90 minute class focusing on asana groups (standing poses, inversions, twists, etc.). We set up each asana step by step with alignment, practice variations with props and partners, and discuss energetics and philosophy of the poses. Class is balanced with meditation, chanting, intention setting and shavasana. A valuable class for beginners to build the foundations of an informed yoga practice, for seasoned yogis to deepen their knowledge, and for current teachers seeking methods and inspiration.


Hands Free 

This innovative vinyasa practice provides a well rounded, balanced experience without resorting to down dog, plank, chaturanga, or any weight bearing poses on the hands, wrists, forearms, or shoulders. Ideal for anyone with hand, wrist or shoulder injuries. Perfect class to strengthen ankles, legs and knees, cultivate awareness of the feet, and build core strength with a strong focus on balancing. With unusual sequences and challenging transitions, this class stimulates mentally and physically.



This dynamic practice combines traditional elements and longer breath counts of Hatha yoga with the transitions and movement of vinyasa. The sequence, music, readings and mood are carefully crafted to support the dharma or deeper theme of the class, creating an experience that is beyond physical asana alone. Each class centers around a traditional mantra or sutra drawn from classic yoga teachings. 


YAS Queen!

This class is about embracing your inner queen. Playlists feature powerhouse female artists from every generation. It encourages yogis toward self love, discovering who they truly are beyond the stereotypes. A vinyasa practice designed to feel good for all bodies, with modifications given for all body types. Cultivates body positive awareness through various yogic techniques.



This fiery, fast paced vinyasa practice offers the student direct experience of linking each breath to each movement. Includes fire inpired pranayama and kriyas like agnisar dhauti and kapala bhati. This class is a set sequence, which helps you observe weekly progress and subtle changes in the body. There are minimal verbal alignment cues so that you can focus primarily on breath.




Restore from a long week or reset for the week ahead. This restorative hour will heal body, soul and mind with 3-5 minute holds of restorative and yin postures, pranayama, meditation, yoga nidra and sound healing. There is no vinyasa, no standing or unsupported poses. With a soothing frequency attuned ambient soundtrack, we release stress, unwind and reconnect to the breath.


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Get lost in moving meditation as you learn to fluidly connect one asana to the next with breath. The class is all transitions; there is no holding of postures. This unique format helps the student learn the art of vinyasa: linking movement to breath, with intention. There is nowhere but the present moment, a total focus and surrender to the breath and movement. Experience real yoga beyond the whirling mind.


Peak Beats

A hip hop based playlist fuels this strong practice, providing beats and flavor as the class builds to peak poses. Learn to break down advanced asanas with variations, props, partner work and various fitness techniques. Prior yoga experience is recommended. Discover the proper variations for your current practice.



Prop Nectar

Take your practice to a whole new level with the aid of props, allowing you to feel the magic of otherwise unattainable asanas. Props include walls, blankets, bolsters, straps, blocks, partners, chopsticks and more. An alignment focused vinyasa class with innovative techniques.



Chakras are the seven wheels or energy centers of the subtle body through which prana (life force) flows. This class is sequenced according to the order of chakras, focusing on these vital meridians, realigning energy, breaking up stagnation and tension that obstruct the flow of energy in the body. Each practice includes sound healing with the bija seed mantras associated with each chakra. 



An intense practice inspired by the yogic balance of darkness and light and the radical roots of alternative culture. Push your limits and fight the inner demons of divisive ignorance. The heartbeat of this practice is its hardcore soundtrack featuring: industrial, classic rock, rock & roll, dark classical, punk and metal. Yoga is a radical movement of transformation, not for the faint of heart!



Connect with us to experience classes like these or for any other inquiries, special events and more!